Center For Modular Architecture

Your journey towards modular/prefab solutions is concurrently a journey away from traditional construction - it's just as important to understand why traditional design and construction models continue on their dysfunctional paths, as it is to understand how and why modular/prefab is the future - a long overdue industry disruptor. During this unveiling, TEAMprefab is going to rattle your cage with facts, data and solutions - challenging the status quo of the entrenched Architecture, Design & Construction industries - yet all will be tempered with proven prefab/modular companies and strategies that will spare you the endless hours of research - upon completing your research with TEAMprefab, you'll have all you need to activate a Better Built Planet.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

- R. Buckminster Fuller

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What Does TEAMprefab do?


We’re an info/data provider & marketplace shaper. We provide modular professionals & product suppliers with physical exhibit & office space to be used as a forum for introducing new and state-of-the-art modular related business.


We supply assistance to property owners, & developers with research, professionals & products required to navigate the Design-Fabricate-Build process and in selecting a Modular company best suited for their projects.


We subscribe to Modular industry priorities & embrace a diverse  triple-bottom-line culture:
Humanity - helping our fellow man, Sustainability - helping the planet,
Profitability - creating business opportunities.


We champion "Architecture as a Product" - as a promoter of modular solutions & strategies that foster the innovative hybrid of the Architecture, Product Design & Construction industries - a prefab/modular solution.

The TEAMprefab gift/complimentary guide: 
The Top 12 Questions to ask Prefab Providers

Initial research of Prefab starts with asking the right questions. For all interested, this free list/questionnaire will enable you to engage in the most meaningful discussion with a Prefab Provider.

Download PDF

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